Tag Archives: e-mail

Madonna Rep: What Gaga E-Mail?

Although Lady Gaga told Jay Leno the other night that Madonna sent her an e-mail confirming that she gave Express Yourself (Remix) Born This Way her blessings, a rep for Madonna confirms that no such e-mail exists:

Earlier this week, the singer told Jay Leno that the Material Girl approved her new single, which some critics called a rip-off of Madonna’s “Express Yourself.” “I got an e-mail from her people and her, sending me their love and complete support on behalf of the single and if the queen says it shall be, then it shall be,” Gaga said.

But Madonna’s rep has told CNN’s Headline News Entertainment that she is unaware of any email that Madonna has sent.


In truth, Madonna said all that she needed to say by uploading an old performance of “Express Yourself” to her YouTube account a few days ago. What a bad bitch!